— for Rancid, NOFX and more punk.


Download Punk — as it says on the tin. Albums containing free MP3s are clearly marked and so are the tracks themselves. No streaming preview (prelisten?). Find minor and major American punk bands (NOFX, Rancid) here.

Mon, 07 Feb 2005

Anti - real artists creating great recordings on their own terms.

anti record label

Anti seems to be the choice of the old guard of leftfield artists: Tom Waits, Nick Cave, Tricky and Marianne Faithful are all on this label. A new act like the Black Keys is also on Anti. This is one of the better label-sites I have come across: clear presentation, running news, tour dates and you can listen to each artist. One major miss though: no way to buy the complete releases from the site.

Link via Spikemagazine’s weblog (splinters).

Mon, 07 Feb 2005