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Acecast podcast number two (MP3, 128Kbps, 30.2MB, 32m:57s) (you can download the MP3 file using the podcast link if you are not using a podcasting application).
The second coming.
I play two artists who have emailed me over at, some ’60s-style garage/surf, electronica, a handful of fine vocal songs and a spoken word track.
Mogwai’s Government Commissions is my “fair podcasting CD” for March 2005. Artists give us free MP3s so we can hear new music. Some do it in the hope that we might buy the music, others because they have no other outlet for their music. I will buy (at least) one CD a month from artists I play on my show. It’s not a lot, it will not make anyone rich — but at least it proves that free&legal MP3 tracks can lead to the purchase of a physical product (I still prefer to buy my music on CD or vinyl).
Finding free and legal UK grime/dubstep is a challenge. I played Kode 9 on the first show, on this podcast I include DJ Dynamat. Analogue is available from a site which requires registration; don’t despair use BugMeNot to find a user for registration sites. If you like Dynamat’s track and decide to download it, please vote for his music. Hopefully this will be the first and last time I use a track from a registration site.
Penny Broadhurst’s poetry is via Warren Ellis.
I did not find Sweet Billy Pilgrim and Largo02; they found me over at Halvorsen.
Largo02 is the alias of Fred Scellier (alias Ulric Cel? or is it the other way around?) from France. Ulric played in the new-wave band Newropeans, he plays jazz and also makes some good electronic music. The tracks available from his website are from the period 1998-2002, but recently remixed. Do also get Track 8 from Past and Hopes (mp3).
Disconnected was recorded years ago, it reminds me of ShelleyDevoto’s Buzzkunst.
Sweet Billy Pilgrim is a British band. So British they record in a shed. Tim, Al and Anthony got some rave reviews for their remix of David Sylvian’s The Heart Knows Better, and their own music is also subtle. Don’t know if they are religious, but there is a God/Jesus-thing going on in their titles. Religious or not, you might as well download Ain’t No Jesus In Here (mp3). If you like Sweet Billy Pilgrim, try The Blue Nile’s A Walk Across The Rooftops. The Pilgrim also run a sweet blog.
Production notes.
The microphone situation has been sorted out, so I should be more audible from now on.
I finally got to use my MXL V67 condenser microphone. The mic was plugged through a small mixer (Behringer UB802) to do the voice track. Applications used were the same as the last time. The overall production should be an improvement from the initial podcast (I know I sound a bit tired at the end of the podcast. I was).
All tracks played are free and legal downloads.
Extended tracklisting for Acecast number 2, 3 April 2005.
If you like the music in my little show (or prefer not to listen to it at all) use the links for each MP3. All MP3-links point to the artist’s own website, unless listed otherwise. All tracks were available at the time when the podcast was recorded (early April 2005).
Brief playlist for the second podcast.
Initial post: Sun, 3 Apr 2005.