Acecast podcast number 3. 4 May 2005.

Download podcast MP3 file.

acecast podcast #003 May 2005 Acecast podcast number three (MP3, 128Kbps, 27.0MB, 29m:24s) (you can download the MP3 file using the podcast icon/link if you are not using a podcasting application).

Three is the magic number.

I play some blues-punk, a young Canadian MC/producer and some top-shelf electronica. There’s also space for everyone’s favourite Mormons, a bit of dance and Euro-decadence from Sweden, plus I include something which sounds like theme music from the ’70s. I finish the show with a fine acoustic track.

I saw Gin Palace live some weeks ago (after hearing them first online thanks to their free MP3s). I liked it — so I made Gin Palace’s Kicking On my “fair podcasting CD” for April 2005. I’ve also bought their limited edition (75 copies) Live at the Marquee CD. Seems like the live album is sold out, but Kicking On should be easy to get hold of (try Amazon). If you like the sound of punk-blues then the strong brew from Gin Palace is recommended. As is a trip to the pub for “a little one”.

The Biosphere track I play is quite short (and old), but Biosphere’s has a large MP3 section. Dawn at Vara is recommended, as is a purchase of Substrata and Patashnik.

I’ve seen Biosphere, Scanner, Throbbing Gristle and Gin Palace live and I own records from several of the artists on this podcast. This is often how I end up finding free MP3s — think of an artist and check their website (so far very few of the tracks I play have been mentioned on large sites like 3hive).

I last saw Robin Rimbaud (aka Scanner, since he uses a frequency-scanner to record conversations from mobile phones, police radio and the like) with Githead, Robin playing guitar. I had no idea Rimbaud could play guitar. He can play OK, but it does not look like Rimbaud can change strings (or tune a guitar?). One of his guitar-strings went during the gig at London’s South Bank some weeks ago and Robin had to whisper “Uncle” Colin Newman (ex-Wire) for some advice. Instead of changing strings, Robin got Colin’s guitar and Colin found another instrument and quickly tuned it. Githead were in all-black, apart from Robin’s red shoes …

The Cadence Weapon track is via MPC - Post Grimeist.

I like all tracks I play (or I wouldn’t play them), but I would like to mention the finishing track — Jeff Klein’s The Hustler. I am soon done with listening to the hundreds of South by Southwest’s free showcasing MP3s. There is a lot of acoustic acts out there. All nice and well-schooled. But for troubadour-type music to appeal to me there must be that little bit extra. And Jeff’s got it; clever production with a bit of texture, some extra noises in the soundscape, a distinct voice and some really nice steel-guitar going up and down with Jeff on The Hustler.

I had around 80 tracks to select from for this show - and (by accident?) I have chosen two from Sweden’s fine Bevlar label. It’s been a few months since I did the downloads (Rasmus and Lindeberg, the labels two first releases) and there are now further tracks for download (including a sampler album). All releases from Bevlar are free and if you want to burn a CD, there are nice covers to print (in PDF-format).

The poet Penny Broadhurst (heard on the previous podcast) kindly introduces this show.

Production notes.

I used an MXL V67 condenser microphone plugged through a Behringer UB802 mixer to do the voice track. Applications used were the same as previously (MP3Gain is a gem). The last two voiceovers was done at a different time than the others and sound slightly different (and metal-boxy, apologies) for some unknown reason. I do not treat the voice after the mixer; I know I could use a compressor or Audacity to compress to get more of a big “radio voice” — but it adds time and complexity.

All tracks played are free and legal downloads. All tracks are copyright the artists and their record labels/music publishers.

Extended tracklisting for Acecast number 3, 4 May 2005.

If you like the music in my little show (or prefer not to listen to it at all) use the links for each MP3. All MP3-links point to the artist’s own website or record label, unless listed otherwise. All tracks were available at the time when the podcast was recorded (early May 2005).

Brief playlist for the third podcast.

Initial post: Thu, 5 May 2005.

Fri, 06 May 2005

Playlist For The Third Acecast podcast. Produced 4 May 2005.

  • Intro — Penny Broadhurst.
  • Kicking On — Gin Palace.
  • Heart of Glass — Daniel Lindeberg with Greta Rootstein.
  • Sharks — Cadence Weapon.
  • Inspector 071 — Jackson 170.
  • Hollywood (Radio Edit) — Rasmus.
  • Som Evige Stjerner — Biosphere.
  • Branded and Soldered — Scanner/Throbbing Gristle.
  • Monkey — Low.
  • The Hustler — Jeff Klein.

Full details and MP3 download for the third Acecast podcast.

Initial post: Wed, 04 May 2005.

Fri, 06 May 2005