Acecast #007. 10 October 2005. A Marvin Suicide/Acecast Spectacular.
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Acecast #007 Oct 2005 (MP3, 128Kbps, 28.9MB, 30m:04s). You can download the MP3 file by clicking the podcast icon or link above. You can also use a podcasting application to subscribe to the Acecast RSS-feed. To subscribe to Acecast podcasts in iTunes (4.9 or later) use “Advanced/Subscribe to Podcast” and enter
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The first Marvin Suicide/Acecast show.

Rose Polenzani
photo © Chris Yeager
Half Man Half Biscuit? Not quite, it’s Half Acecast Half MarvinSuicide, aka “the first Acecast/Marvin Suicide spectacular”. This is a show co-curated by Marvin and myself. Some 20 tracks were tracked down by me and then Marvin cut the playlist down to a lucky seven. Five superb electronic tracks from Lomov, ML, Daigoro, The Focus Group and Belbury Poly (the last two on the Ghostbox imprint). The synth-sounds are broken up by female voices from Sweden’s Hello Saferide (the Acecast Scandinavian quota) and American singer/songwriter Rose Polenzani.
Marvin does the presentation with various degrees of voice distortion (Hello Cher?) and he opens the show with I could swear at any time
. Well Marvin could, but he doesn’t. This is unacceptable and I will bring back Marvin for some serious swearing on a later explicit show. But there is a bit of bickering on this podcast, thanks to a guest spot from “Ed and Ethel” from Chub Creek.
The background noises are courtesy of Marvin’s adventures in field recording.
A top-notch podcast featuring many voices, double-filtered electronica (as in tracks both quality controlled by Marvin and myself). Download now and enjoy it on your commute or on your computer.
The post about Acecast number seven aka Marvin Suicide show 37.
Production notes.
None this time around since I have no idea what sort of kit Marvin is using. Here is Marvin’s listing for his show 37/my show seven.
All tracks played are free and legal downloads. All tracks are copyright the artists and their record labels/music publishers.
Extended tracklisting for Acecast #007, 10 October 2005.
- Highschool Stalker (mp3) — Hello Saferide
- Etch Geometry (mp3) — ML (Opsound)
- Don Famato (mp3) ( — Lomov
- Activity and Scales (mp3) — The Focus Group
- Sleepy Fish (mp3) (the wire) — Daigoro (Dave Fyans, Somniscope)
- Marylee (mp3) — Rose Polenzani
- Wildspot (mp3) — Belbury Poly — the Acecast signature tune
Brief playlist for Acecast #007.
Initial post: Sun, 16 Oct 2005.
Mon, 17 Oct 2005
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